"Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh and anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God." Ether 12:4

Friday, May 15, 2009

Birthday Update . . .

Friday, May 15, Day 141, week 21, month 6 since diagnosis-
I thought not to be here for my 53rd birthday, but here I am still!
We had a small procedure requiring a few stitches performed at the surgeon, Dr. Price's office during my visit on Tuesday this week. We have been having bag leak issues with resulting at least daily bag changes because there was a lot of mucus leaking.
I am still tired from the trip to CA-OR-WA-ID-WY, but happy I was able to go be with extended family on a more positive note. The last visit was very sober and in some ways shocking to the California families. I left with much happier feelings this time. Now, it is good to be home and with my family again. Mom and Dad have provided their 31' motor home to us so we can do some family camping in conscience and build some additional family end of life memories per our latest bucket list . . .


Leslie Scoresby said...

We're so glad you are still here for your 53rd birthday! Sorry we missed you last night when we called. Just thinking about you and everyone else.
Love you!

necia said...

My dear Rick............you are so old!!!


Ned and Barbara

Anonymous said...


I also remembered your birthday and knelt that morning to thank Heavenly Father for giving you more time with your family. I dearly love each of you. I feel Father is blessing each of our lives by allowing us to observe the tender mercies given to yours. What a blessing..... AND Michelle's birthday is a very short time away. :-)

Love, Pana Lou

Zeann said...

Hapyy Birthday 53. So glad you had the travel oportunity and that chance to bless the lives of more realatives and aquiantences. Everday you are here is a blessing and example to whomever you meet. So thankful for our part of knowing you in those 53 year. Best of wishes and prayers are with you for the days ahead that you will have comfort and joy. Love you

Tracy said...

Hey Rick,
My birthday is tomorrow and I will be 53 too. You know what that means don't you? You will always be OLDER than me...HA HA Grandpa!!!
Love Tracy & Jill

Clean Cut said...

Happy Birthday!

I've been following the blog off and on since the beginning, and I just have to say that you're an inspiration.

Siope L Kinikini said...

hahaha... that was funny necia. You ARE OLD... hahaha.
We miss you and want to spread some Aloha to your Ohana soon. We want to serenade you with some sweet hawaiian sounds and delicious chocolate haupia pie... mmm... I'm hungry now. We will see you soon!

The Brooks Family said...

Happy Birthday Rick! Glad you are surpassing all expectations!!

Leilini W. Kinikini said...

Happy Late Birthday!!! You're words are so uplifting to read..thank you!

Lini and Marie

Anonymous said...

Happy Late birthday Rick.just got back from vacation ourselves. let me know if you want to camp in Idaho. I know a few good secret spots that I can tell you. Burke Richman

Anonymous said...

HI Rick, I'm so grateful for your example of faith. Happy belated B-Day. God Bless You All!

Peggy Collotzi said...

It sounds like your birthday is May 15th, that is Max's birthday also. I always enjoy reading about how you are doing. Nichole writes such beautiful comments. Rich you have a wonderful way of expressing yourself also. So happy that you are still here.

Michelle how are you doing with your surgery that you had? Sure hope that things went well with you. Chari says that you have a birthday coming up also. Happy Birthday to the two of you.

With my love,
Peggy Collotzi
With Love,
Peggy Collotzi